Restorative Dentistry for Implants | Gulfport, MA Dentist

One out of every four adults under 30 loses a tooth. An implant is a safe, long-term option. 

Dental implants are surgical fixtures that are inserted into the jawbone and allowed to fuse with the bone over the span of a few months. The implant acts as a replacement for the root of a missing tooth. It is the closest thing to a natural tooth because it stands on its own without affecting nearby teeth.

Dentures or dental bridges can be anchored on dental implants in small groups or in conjunction with a replacement crown for single tooth replacements. In the same way that the root of a natural tooth prevents bone loss, dental implants provide a strong, long-lasting solution to tooth loss.

The use of dental implants is a highly preferred option for tooth replacement due to their many benefits, which include:

  • A natural-looking smile: Dental implants resemble the appearance of your natural teeth, restoring your genuine smile.
  • Healthier teeth: Because implants can be anchored without modifying the surrounding tooth structure, more of your natural teeth are preserved and intact.
  • Speech Enhancement: When non-anchored removable dentures slip within the mouth, they can cause slurred or mumbled speech. Implants are permanent, therefore eliminating this concern.
  • Comfort: Dental implants provide a comfortable alternative to removable dentures that can move and cause discomfort.
  • Functionality: An implant works like a natural tooth, allowing you to continue to eat the foods you enjoy.
  • Durability: Stability, strength, and stain resistance are all characteristics of dental implants.
  • Bone loss prevention: Loss of teeth can lead to empty spaces in the jaw, causing the jawbone to deteriorate. Dental implants provide a stable root that attaches to the bone, thereby preventing bone loss.
  • Built to last: Every 5 to 7 years, dentures need to be replaced. Properly maintained, dental implants can last a lifetime.

An implant may be the right solution for you if you have one or more missing teeth. To determine if you are an appropriate candidate for dental implants, it is important to consider your oral and overall health. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Anchoring the implant with adequate bone support
  • The gums are healthy.
  • Nerve and sinus locations
  • Your overall health, including any chronic illnesses you may have,

If you would like to learn more about dental implants, we invite you to schedule a consultation at our dental office. Our goal is to help you once again have a healthy, beautiful smile.

Pure Smiles Dental of Gulfport
Phone: (228) 832-5300
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15382-A St. Charles St.
Gulfport, MS 39503